Publications on CAT
It is the ambition of the CAT network that all events result in at least one internationally visible publication.
The CAT network has previously published a special issue on 'Metropolitan Processes in Post-Communist States in Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography 89 (2), 2007, g. eds. Thomas Borén and Michael Gentile. This publication includes articles first presented at the Lund conference in 2005 (i.e., when CAT more or less started existing).
The Stockholm-Tallinn CAT-ference (2007) has resulted in a number of journal articles, some published already and some in press (many in Urban Studies).
The Tartu CAT-ference (2009) is going to result in a special issue of Cities, g.eds. Tiit Tammaru, Ronald van Kempen and Michael Gentile. The project is approaching completion.